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September 29, 2005


So the Big Damn Movie comes out tomorrow.

And we'll likely be going to see it on Saturday, at a matinee. Work is too busy finishing a final proposal for our next 5-year contract to take the day off. So maybe tomorrow night, but more likely Saturday, first showing.

Can't wait.

Oh, and since this went around LJ:

When you see this on your blogroll, quote Firefly.

Zoe: “You sanguine about the kind of reception we're apt to receive on an Alliance ship, Captain?”
Mal: “Absolutely. What's sanguine mean?”
Zoe: “Sanguine - hopeful. Plus, point of interest, it also means bloody.”
Mal: “Well, that pretty much covers all the options, don't it?”

Posted by Julia at September 29, 2005 10:52 AM


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