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May 24, 2006

World of Warcraft Update

Last time I did this was last August, so time for an update, I think.

Hildegaarde, 55 Dwarf Hunter with Skinning and Tribal Leatherworking, Guild Mistress of Tuesday Night Fight Club
Jeudi, 40 Human Priest with Skinning and Mining, Officer of Tuesday Night Fight Club

Ladygrace, 11 Human Paladin, with Mining and Blacksmithing

Whisperwind Azjol-Nerub
Skylear, 22 Night Elf Druid with Herbalism and Alchemy

Damarisa, 45 Night Elf Priest with Herbalism and Alchemy, member of The Great White North guild

Tryna, 60 Undead Warlock with Mining and Goblin Engineering, Guild Mistress of the Daughters of the Horde guild, made to play with a guild of all women
Healah, 22 Undead Priest, with skinning and Mining, Officer of Daughters of the Horde guild
Uma, 12 Undead Mage, wtih Tailoring and Enchanting, Officer of the Daughters of the Horde guild
Alessandra, 22 Human Warrior, member of the Daughters OfThe Alliance guild, made to play with the alternate faction guild of all women
Lark, 19 Dwarf Hunter who will have Skinning and Leatherworking, member of the Daughters OfThe Alliance guild, made to play with the alternate faction guild of all women

And the place where I am most often found...

Ruana, 60 Tauren Druid with Skinning and Herbalism, Member of Iron Circle
Saffron, 40 Tauren Shaman with Tailoring and Enchanting, Mom of Browncoats
Seluja, 26 Troll Mage with Herbalism and Alchemy (created 5/21/05), Sister of Browncoats

Just in case anyone who might have recently caved into the desire to play wanted to find me, yanno. ;)

Posted by Julia at May 24, 2006 03:22 PM


Good Lord, I spend enough of my time on City of Heroes -- I don't *dare* get anywhere near WoW.

Posted by: ***Dave [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 24, 2006 10:50 PM

Hehe...it was really directed to certain friends who live in North Carolina that we visit every Thanksgiving.

Who now have a level 5 warrior and a level 5 druid on Llane. :)

Posted by: Julia [TypeKey Profile Page] at May 25, 2006 03:41 PM

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