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June 9, 2006
Changing Hosts
Sometime this month, I'll be moving my website and blogs and everything over to a new webhost.
While this should coincide with a nice new web design, I just don't have the time/energy/drive to do it these days. This blog will exist, I know that much. My other, now defunct blogs, will likely vanish into the ether. and probably get a nice, new designed 404 page to mark them as such.
Everything else is so outdated, so there's little point in doing anything but archiving.
But who knows? Maybe I'll change my mind and through the non-blog bits back up.
Oh yes, I'm going to Dreamhost. I need the larger disk space for all my WOW screenshots. Heh.
Posted by Julia at June 9, 2006 4:11 PM
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