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March 12, 2002
Smallville - Zero - 03/11/02
Once again, Lex's past comes back to bite him in the ass. But this time, it shows us where his connection to Sam Phelan, the corrupt cop from "Rogue" started, so there is some good continuity. And Chloe gets too curious for the Kents' own good.
I did like this episode. There was no Meteorite Monster, though they do a nice twist to make you think there has to be, until it's revealed in the end that Parker Lewis (oops, I mean, Corin Nemec) isn't who he seems to be.
Lex got nicely tormented, but since the episode started with him being him (part of me still wonders if he sent the fiance to the club so that the fiancée would see him there, but that's the twisted Lex lover in me), it was worth it.
The B-plot in here (besides Lana opening The Talon) was assignments to find out about other classmates. Of course Clark ends up with Lana, and Pete has someone who works in the school store. And Chloe, gets Clark.
Oh yes, we can see the trouble starting here.
Of course, she digs too deep, mostly because Clark (and the Kents), afraid to tell her anything, leave her to do the digging on her own. Which, being the intrepid cub reporter, she does quite successfully. And even Clark bitching her out for it doesn't stop her -- she may not do any more research now, but she kept that file, didn't she? (and did anyone REALLY think she wouldn't?)
So, interesting times ahead for Chloe, Clark, and the whole gang.
Hey, WB! We've got the Lana episode next week, how about another Pete episode? We need more of Clark's oldest friend (confirmed by Chloe in this ep), to give some good contrast between Clark's and Lex's friendship.
This was fun. Not bad, but not the best.
Rating: 7/10.
Posted by Julia at March 12, 2002 10:19 PM