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April 16, 2002
Angel - Forgiving - 04/15/02
And the excitement keeps growing and growing.
Basic summary:
Fred and Gunn spend most of the episode tracking down Wesley, and wondering why he kidnapped Connor.
Angel cares nothing about Wesley at this point, so spends the episode trying to get Connor back from the hell dimension, including kidnapping Linwood and then getting Lilah to help him.
Wesley spends the episode bleeding in the park where he was knifed.
The Host/Lorne tries to talk everyone out of everything.
Justine realizes that Holtz has lied to her all along, and life really sucks.
Cordy continues to screw Groo off-screen (did Charisma Carpenter do a movie or something??).
Okay, now for the other bits...
I really like the White Room, from Wolfram and Hart. I'd had an inkling of this by reading the Roush Review in TV Guide, but was still really pleased by it, and how they did it. Making sociopathic (okay, maybe not in the true sense, but she weren't no normal kid) kids is tough, and she had the right glee/delight in what she was saying to pull it off without sounding silly.
And you knew that giving Angel that info on how to make Sahjhan substantial was just so wrong...
I really, really liked the twist on the prophecy. I was wondering how they were going to pull it off, and they did it so perfectly that I am kicking myself for not seeing it coming. I think I was so drawn into Wesley's paranoia that no other thoughts occurred to me. Which was no doubt how they intended it to be.
I liked Justine's reaction to everything. She really is lost without Holtz, and they showed, with neat flashbacks, just how dependent she'd become on him. I never really liked Justine to begin with, but they're giving her some neat depths now. I hope they don't drop her. I did like the image of what she had done to Wesley haunting her when Gunn had the knife at his throat.
And now, for the ending.
When Angel showed up in the hospital, I knew something was up. I looked at the time on the clock, and then at Lou. I told him, something's going to happen here, this is not going to be a happy ending.
Angel's speech before grabbing the pillow just confirmed it. I could point to Angel's abandoning of the group last season, which will possibly be pointed to in a future episode. But it likely won't matter. To quoth the oracle:
"Can't wait to see how it turns out."
Posted by Julia at April 16, 2002 12:56 PM