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May 14, 2002
Angel - Benediction - 05/13/02
SPOILER ALERT! Just highlight the text in the page to see the missing words.
There, now that that's out of the way...
Holtz is just plain, darned Evil.
Evil with a Capital E.
That's why I love him, and why I'll miss him now that he's gone. To get Justine to stab him in such a way that it looks like a vampire bite, after giving the letter to Holtz...pure beauty.
I do like Connor/Steven.
This was just a wonderful episode all around. For a good recap, go here.
I enjoyed the bonding of Angel and Connor, after the fight in the bar. I was glad they brought back Justine, even if it's only for more torture and pain.
I personally didn't think Wesley's hesitation was deciding whether or not to warn Justine. I just thought his hesitation was deciding how to reply to Lilah, but maybe that's just me. I really, really can't see Wesley going over to the Dark Side, aka joining Wolfram & Hart. It would really ruin the show for me. But it looks like they're pushing him in that direction, and that's probably how they'll end the season next week, with a nice cliffhanger of him showing up on Lilah's doorstep.
I am STILL not pleased with the Cordy being in love with Angel sideplot. It will be easy to get rid of Groo, but I don't know...it's just wrong in my eyes. Almost as bad as Fred and Gunn.
Now Gunn, I could see him going over to W&H, but maybe I just don't like him as much as I like Wesley.
However, I will repeat the mantra to myself. "Trust in Joss. Joss will provide."
But he better not provide us with crap.
Rating - 8/10. And let's hope Cordy doesn't keep putting the "love glow" on everyone they meet.
Posted by Julia at May 14, 2002 9:56 AM