DreamLyrics is an online game forum, started by some old Compuserve RPGames forum folk. I found out about it not long after it started, and in a burst of nostalgia, joined up.
I've joined a number of games, but they've all died. I started a game, and then let it die, to try and resusistate it. Hopefully this will keep going this time.
ARA - Adventures in Aurora, was a free-form tavern with plot game run by Janet Naylor. In it, I played Brianna Merrick, my old PC from TFP1.
SIE - Serpent in Eden, was an Aberrant game run by Hellblazer. In this game, I played Jacob "Jake" Harrison, a nova who works for Project Utopia, but was not a member of T2M.
JAF - Just a Fluke, was a systemless game run by Gypsy. In this game, I took over the character of Heather, a mother and newly-married wife and stepmother.
TBE - This Broken Earth is the game I am running. This game is based on my husband's old face-to-face GURPS game, BEW (Broken Earth War), and current email and occasional ftf game, SBE (Survivors of the Broken Earth).
This page last updated 10/07/02 by jbf.