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May 1, 2002
Modern Day Tumbleweeds
Dirt. Large clods of dirt fill the road behind my house, where we drive to park our cars. They are ripping up the road, one hopes to repave it, after the water main work of the late fall.
I got in my car and started it forward this morning, checking both ways even though the street is only one way. To my right, a white plastic bag on the road caught my eye for a second, then as no one was coming, I pulled out.
The white plastic bag floated along, whipped up in the air a few feet, then tossed to the side. I saw this all from my rear view mirror.
I was struck by the sight. A deserted dirt road, lined with sidewalks and houses. A lone plastic bag, a modern-day tumbleweed, buffeted between cars by an errant breeze.
I continued driving, but idly wondered if I should pull my six-guns and take a shot after ten paces.
Who would fire back?
Posted by Julia at May 1, 2002 2:57 PM