After the Fall

Part 1: From the Ashes





Game Summaries

A summary of what happened during the game sessions:

March 15, 2002 - Session 27

The group began by talking to the caravan folk, making sure they were okay. A man named Q'Hadan stepped forward and said he supposed he was the leader, since their leader had been slain. He agreed that moving the caravan back to the oasis was the best idea at present; then they could assess what was going on. Sana was loaded onto a wagon, and Margaret kept watch with her.

On the way back, Sana woke up and freaked out, more at being tied up at first than what she had done, which she clearly remembered. Margaret had to cut the ropes, as Rylan had tied them too well for her to untie quickly, especially with Sana struggling. The bard explained that she had no idea why she did what she did, she just felt compelled to eat her foe. Margaret cleaned her up with an orison, and they talked the rest of the way back to the oasis.

The gypsy traders, upon arriving at the camp, ignored the boy that had come from them. They also avoided anyone who wore an obvious weapon, especially Ezhno. Though the centaur was not as bristling with weapons as he had been thanks to his magical haversack, he still had more than most people. And the boy, who was named Zel'sharan (nicknamed Zel), carried a large knife very obviously in his belt.

After some time of this, Jon finally asked Tallis if he knew what was the cause of the people ignoring the boy, and avoiding people with weapons. Tallis said that they were a non-violent people, who would not even lift a hand in self-defense. Since Zel had started wearing a knife, he had indicated he had broken with the people, he was "lost" to them. Q'Hadan confirmed Tallis' explanation when asked, prompting a loud outcry from the group, who had never heard of such a thing. Sana was most vocal in her disdain for The People, and Jon decided to start training Zel in using the half-spears they had gotten from the bandits and his knife right away.

It was agreed that Zel would accompany the group, as he had become rather attached to Tallis, at least as long as their guide was with them.

Jon and the others, once things had calmed down a bit, asked the gypsies more about their former guards. Q'Hadan told them that the 8 guards had volunteered to escort them across the Waste, something which was not uncommon. The guards would get a share of money from the sales the gypsies had made on route or when they reached their destination.

A few days into the trip, all had been going just fine. Then three others had appeared on foot to join the guards, and from that point on, the guards/bandits had begun to act more reclusive. They had joined in the conversation and food at the fire before, but now they spent more time amongst themselves, and began to be more hostile to the gypsies. The newcomers bore no weapons, which led the gypsies to believe they were sorcerers of some sort.

Finally, this morning, things had changed. The guards became bandits, encircling the wagons and making threats, though none of them struck any of the gypsies. The three were the ones who killed MiĠiren, the leader of the caravan, and BeĠajan, his wife. ZelĠsharan made his escape then, after slashing at one of the bandits with a knife. The sorcerers did something to Zel as he ran off, weakening him, but he continued on. The sorcerers did not let any of the bandits pursue him, but kept them circling the caravan while they searched the wagons. For what, Q'Hadan had no idea. If it was something Mi'iren knew about, he did not tell anyone else.

Then, the group arrived and saved them. It was all very puzzling, to both the saviors and the saved.

Rylan hit upon an idea. The group had gathered a number of magic items from the bandits (they all had silver rings with two oval cabochan emeralds in them, that looked like eyes, and bottles with the residue of potions in them), and also some other items from the city under the lake. He had a spell now that would enable him to teleport back to Clearwater, where they could get their items identified and give over the rod they had collected to Phae, as well as ask her for her advice on a number of issues, including Sana's new proclivity to eat the people she'd slain. Rylan could bring someone with him, and Sana volunteered to go.

The next morning, the group split up, The caravan continued on while the group waited at the oasis for Rylan and Sana's return from Clearwater.

No quote of the evening was recorded.

Mall of Julia, 2nd Floor Mall of Julia Home

This page was last updated 04/26/02.