After the Fall

Part 1: From the Ashes





Game Summaries

A summary of what happened during the game sessions:

May 24, 2002 - Session 32

Jack and Tallis kept exploring the dark passageway slowly, which were narrow and went on for a long time, with no breaks in them. Then, a whisper of a sound came to their ears. It was in a language that Jack didn't know, but Tallis seemed to. He halted, and asked Jack to do the same. Listening a moment, he told Jack to go back and get the others, and Jack left, doubletime.

Meanwhile, Jon had proceeded down the passage, wondering where Jack had gotten to. Rylan was discussing the possibilities of getting Ezhno into the passage with Sana and said centaur, mentioning the spell Marcasta had used to reduce the size of Margaret's horse. Rylan did indeed have that spell, but its duration was quite limited, and if they had to leave in a hurry, he would need to recast it. Besides that, it was not one he had memorized, and he also had used up a number of his spells that day getting them to the city.

Jack returned by this time, and told the others of the whispered voice in a strange language. Jon began to organize the group, while Zel slipped away to head down the passage in search of Tallis.

Rylan quickly summoned a few small earth elementals, and had them widen the passage for the duration of the spell, making certain Ezhno would fit. The small elementals appeared to "measure" Ezhno, then got to work. The others dashed down the hallway.

No quote of the evening was recorded.

Mall of Julia, 2nd Floor Mall of Julia Home

This page was last updated 06/06/02.